Over two decades ago, Bette & Cring formally entered the renewable energy market by creating its own energy division, BC Energy (formerly Cogen Power Technologies). BC Energy is a turnkey energy solutions provider and offers the most complete suite of energy services available – from energy master planning to plant construction to training and operations support.

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A leader in sustainable building practices, Bette & Cring takes pride in employing environmental responsibility in our building projects. Now, more than ever, high-performance buildings, energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energies, energy management systems and environmental stewardship is pertinent to the development of new facilities and retrofitting existing buildings. From start to finish, and through the entire LEED certification process, we have the expertise and ability necessary to achieve your sustainability goals.


For these and other projects, our green construction services include:

  • Concept development and sustainable strategies
  • Cost/benefit analysis
  • Sourcing local materials
  • Reducing construction waste
  • Cogeneration and alternative energy strategies


Bette & Cring understands the benefits – both environmental and fiscal – of sustainable design and construction. We offer a solid background in meeting LEED criteria. Among our many certified LEED Projects, we are proud to have constructed a LEED Platinum-certified building (the adaptive reuse of a historic building, circa 1865, to create a dynamic corporate headquarters) under the guidelines for New Construction (NC 2.2) – the fifth building to reach this prestigious level in New York State.

Over the past decade, Bette & Cring has made a commitment to promoting sustainability in our public and private sector projects. The firm has a staff that includes several LEED accredited professionals and supports continuing education for our team members to keep current on sustainable technology and innovations.

A geothermal drilling rig drilling into the ground to create a well.

Green Energy Initiatives

Bette & Cring assists our clients in incorporating green energy into their projects and achieving sustainable energy efficiency goals.

Our holistic approach to energy efficiency and management includes energy master plan, facilities auditing, commodity procurement, facility design, power and utility infrastructure, renewable technologies, engineering and commissioning. Our experienced professionals solve the problems affecting facilities in a constantly shifting energy and regulatory climate.

  • Cogeneration/CHP
  • Geothermal
  • Biomass
  • Solar
  • Battery Storage
  • Wind
  • Trigeneration